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Hi there! I’m Cal, a marketing specialist.

I am a versatile marketer with a wide range of previous clients, be that start-ups, big business or solo entrepreneurs. I’m experienced in talking in a range of voices on a range of platforms, from Twitter and TikTok to LinkedIn and the real world! I’ve enjoyed wearing the many hats I have at these businesses, from the more casual hat with gaming to being the epitome of professional with politics and recruitment.

Below here are the clients I have worked with, and a small look into the contributions I have made for them.


An indie games studio where I was hired on a freelance basis to execute the marketing campaign and part of the PR for their upcoming game - Voxlands.

Things I worked on:

  • Organised key distribution, researching and ensuring influencers were appropriate for our game.

  • Orchestrated the marketing campaign based around Steam Next Fest, planning out the storepage, and strategising for our marketing channels (TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) 

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An indie games studio where I was the marketing and PR lead for their company and upcoming game - Rallyallyally.

Things I worked on:

  • Spearheaded the entire campaign for their new game releasing soon after I arrived, Rallyallyally.

  • Planned and executed typical gaming PR and outreach for a launch with both influencers and brands.

  • QA'd, gathered and curated gameplay analysis from players.

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A marketing and PR agency, who work with AAA clients. I account managed 5 clients, with a main focus on MSI, Mad Catz, Zotac and AMD, working on multiple successful activations, with a variety of budgets.

Things I worked on:

  • Ran socials and CM'd for established B2C gaming tech brands.

  • Project managed and collabored with inconic IPs like Resident Evil. 

  • Collaborated with influencers of huge followings (7m+).

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Another indie games studio who brought me on early, with the aim to develop a marketable and financially profitable game, perhaps even a published one.

Things I worked on:

  • Social media management, leading expansion into new platforms.

  • Aiding in research and development of the studio's productions. 

  • Leveling up the studio's brand, as well as helping carve out what that looks like.

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Alongside my normal roles, I have been reaching out and offering marketing help to super indies.

Things I worked on:

  • Ensuring that marketing is being thought about in the development of their games, helping eventual sales.

  • Bringing current PR and marketing efforts up to scratch for their bandwidth.

  • Building press kits, press lists and press releases, aiding them in talking to businesses and influencers, which they may be uncomfortable with.

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A grassroots political party, where I was expected to work on their marketing, as well as helping out where needed.

Things I worked on:

  • Ran their social media efforts, making sure Renew’s messaging and voice were consistent.

  • Created physical and visual media, like pamphlets as well as planning and executing interviews.

  • Researched all collaborations, ensuring they’re aligned with Renew’s messaging.

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Working at home

A recruitment agency who focussed more on their marketing than typical recruiters.

Things I worked on:

  • Account managed multiple clients, leading contract renewals.

  • Created advertisements for clients, attracting new employees.

  • Worked this alongside an apprenticeship, succeeding in both.

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